Apparently it's 1/2 the price of everyone else in the area but on-line reviews show problems with cleanliness.
So I was asked to go and check it out.
I also suggested the Dollar Inn which, last I checked, is cheaper and closer.
So earlier today, with my Palm Centro SmartPhone in hand, I went motel hunting.
I went to the Dollar Inn first, and the Super 8 next. The clerks were friendly at both places and had no problems with me checking out a room. They simply asked to hold onto a photo ID and gave me a key and a room number.
The DI uses actual keys while the S8 used a "credit card".
The downside to the card is that it becomes inactive EXACTLY at check-out. I was locked out of my room a few years back...
I asked both motels for non-smoking. And while they both asked how many beds, one, DI sent me to a 2 bed room, and S8 sent me to a 1 bed room.
S8 also tried to offer me a room with various "extras" like a mini-fridge. I declined.
I should be comparing the "bare bones" room of each facility.
And even though I was in the "no frills' rooms, the S8 just felt nicer. It may have been the lighting. It also may have been the decor. Either way, it just felt more expensive, but the room itself was smaller & as mentioned only had one bed.
Both rooms had the basics, bed, TV, desk, et cetera, but the coffee maker at the S8 stood out more. It's possible the DI didn't have one. As Dad doesn't drink coffee, I wasn't looking for one.
So, were they clean?
The beds were all made, and the bathrooms stocked, the S8 had their towls and soap folded into some fancy-oragamiasthing. I looked under the beds as well. Both of them were clean.
When I got back to the desk at DI, she wrote their prices on a slip of paper. The clerk 3 S8 used a computer.
The Bottom Line
The clerk at S8 estimated a Sa-Tu stay at $172.26. This is with the Senior Discount.
With the prices from DI, I estimate the same stay to be $116.05.
And in my opinion, the extra-fancy LOOK of the Super 8 Motel and the extra differance is not worth the extra price of the Dollar Inn.
I posted comments and pictures on both motels on Brightlite, the links are above, after the first mention of each motel.
My updates posted out of order and a couple pictures from S8 posted on DI, I shall fix this soon.
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