Monday, December 8, 2008

Add Me!

I've decided to put links to my main social networks all in one place. It's as much for my benifet as anyone else's.

Just keep in mind that I do all of this from my cell-so give me a break with certain things.

If for some reason you think that I'm not social enough and I need to join your network-let me know.

(my site, not a network, but hey...)

I had an account with Orkut, but it was deleted earlier today. Since I mostly ignored it, I'll leave it that way.

TIPS: Some of you may wish to follow me via SMS. that's fine, that's how I'll follow you.
Note, however, that I check-in EVERYWHERE with brightkite. Well, not the bank, or my actual home address.
Brightkite forwards my notes and photos (but not check-ins) to twitter. Twitter then forwards to facebook.

This blog is forwarded to facebook where it becomes a "note", and twitterfeed is kind enough to post a link to twitter.


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