This is why Ihave so much automation and forwarding going on.
My Brightkite forwards to Twitter which forwards to Facebook.
This blog is imported into Facebook as a "note", and a status is posted to Twitter (which goes to Facebook).
You may have noticed that MySpace gets ignored.
My photos are another story all together.
But let's say you like what I have to say. Depending on what network you're on will depend on how you reply. It'll also affect which comments you see.
If I make a post on Brightkite, someone might comment on brightkite.
The same update could get me an @reply or a RT on Twitter.
And then I could get a comment or a "like" on Facebook.
But even though I've received all of this praise, it's spread too thin.
I want to be able to scoop up all of the comments into one place.
(The same goes for this blog post. Chances are, I'll get an @reply on Twitter that my blog readers won't see that my facebook friends won't see, which will be lost in a sea of tweets.)
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