Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Case of the Missing EDK

As I reported via Brightkite a few days ago, one of the units of one of the Homes that I visit was missing their Emergency Drug Kit.

For this particular unit, we do the exchange inside their medroom. I looked through the window into the medroom to see if the kit had been used, and I didn't see it on the shelf. I assumed that meant it had been used and was still out.
When the nurse and I entered the medroom I did a quick scan and still didn't see it.
I told the nurse that I didn't immediatly see their EDK, assuming she would point right out.
She didn't see it either. She searched the room-it was gone.
She alerted the other nurse who began searching records and making calls. I held onto the new kit tightly-marking it as "mine".

By the time I left the floor, they still hadn't found it.

When I showed up the next day, it had been decided that one of the drivers had mistakingly taken the kit (as opposed to one of their staff).

There are two types of drivers: route and stat.
I'm a route driver. I go to the same 6 places every night. I'm normally the only one handling EDKs. Stat drivers bring them on ocasion.

So the stat drivers would have no reason to touch the EDKs-normally.

Which means *I* am the likely suspect!

Now, these EDKs come in varying sizes, but on a normal night, I have one in my hand 'cause it won't fit on my dolly full of stuff.
So if I have a dolly in one hand, and an EDK in the other, where does the extra EDK go?

Nope, I didn't take it. And even if I did, my trunk can't hold an extra EDK. And even if it could, they count them when I get back to the pharm.

Later that night they sent an EDK so that the facility would have one.

Two days later, I show up and they have TWO. The nurses don't know exactly where it came from or where it had been. But "found" it was.

FWIW, the nurses didn't think anyone would steal it because it doesn't have a street value. Really, it doesn't.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Add Me!

I've decided to put links to my main social networks all in one place. It's as much for my benifet as anyone else's.

Just keep in mind that I do all of this from my cell-so give me a break with certain things.

If for some reason you think that I'm not social enough and I need to join your network-let me know.






(my site, not a network, but hey...) http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/purpleelaphants/

I had an account with Orkut, but it was deleted earlier today. Since I mostly ignored it, I'll leave it that way.

TIPS: Some of you may wish to follow me via SMS. that's fine, that's how I'll follow you.
Note, however, that I check-in EVERYWHERE with brightkite. Well, not the bank, or my actual home address.
Brightkite forwards my notes and photos (but not check-ins) to twitter. Twitter then forwards to facebook.

This blog is forwarded to facebook where it becomes a "note", and twitterfeed is kind enough to post a link to twitter.


What is STUPH?

The other day, my wife told me that my blog posts reminded her of STUPH.

What is STUPH?

STUPH is a book that I wrote back in high school. It's a collection of "informative papers" or satiracle essays.
What was it about? Stuff.
I'd randomly pick a topic and write a paper about it. Much like this blog. I pick a topic that came up and write.

Yes, this blog and my book have much in common. This is why I am reformating this blog as "STUPH 2.0".
Don't think of this as a sequal (the sequal was "THYNGS"), think of it as STUPH for the 21st Century, STUPH: the ongoing story.

Not sure how much will change besides the title, but we'll see.
(My other blogs should remain unaffected)

So in true STUPH fashion, Have a happy tomorrow! ('cause today allready sucks)

Monday, November 17, 2008

The new Bond film, Quantum of Solace & the new Star Trek trailer, a review

Quantum of Solace came out in the US on Friday, November 14th. I saw it opening day.
And I will state up front that I saw it for one reason: the new trailer http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrek/ for the new Star Trek was to be shown before it.

Yes, I spent $16 to see a preview. And let me tell you, it was WORTH IT!

The film on the other hand, not as good.


The Trek preview starts off with a car speeding through a desert. This is not what I expected. But when that little kid said that his name was James Tiberius Kirk, I almost died. The way he said it was priceless. The trailer then picks up pace and overloads you with scenes from the new movie.

I had enough time to identify most of the main cast, and of course the Enterprise herself-under construction no less.

I was speechless. I soaked up every second of data that I could. This movie is going to be GREAT!

After the preview, I was excited, I was pumped. I wanted to see it again!

Sadly, this didn't happen.

At first, I thought I liked the new Bond film-until I realized my excitment from the trailer carried over into the film. I would've given 2 Thumbs Up to almost anything after that preview.

I went to the theatre with 2 expectations.

1) to see a great trailer

2) to see a Bond film

I'm not sure the second one happened.

While I'm not a big Bond buff, I do enjoy watching 007 save the day from time to time. I've seen the various films over the years with the various actors. When I sit down to watch James Bond I have certain expectations

A new face-The James Bond films are unique in that they're all about the same guy, yet they've spanned decades, changed actors, and don't say "Bond" in the title. And that's okay. That is what let's Bond live. Keep changing the lead, don't put numbers in the title, and don't call them sequals.

Sequals. I don't know how many films there are, but it's a lot. And the box sets never have them all.
I have never sat down to watch a Bond film and felt "left out", until now.
Quantum felt like a sequal. A sequal to a movie I didn't see.
The entire movie referred to people and events without telling the audience about them. While I expect suspense and mystery in a film, I don't expect to be left in the dark.

Gadgets. James Bond is famous for having the latest in spy-gear and having a really cool car. All of which is explained to him and us in various detail by a man named Q.

He had a gun.

Yep, the great James Bond spent the entire film with nothing more than a gun.
I realize that he couldn't pick up gadgets mid-film due to plot reasons, but he should have had SOMETHING.

Women. Bond is a ladies man. But does asking for stationary *really* work as a pick-up line? From someone you just met?! From someone you're supposed to be escorting back to HQ?!!
I didn't understand that character, plotwise. She shows up, gets naked, gets dressed up, says "Hi" to the villan, and ends up dead.
They lost me with her showing up, really.
M says that she's a secratary, she files papers and stuff. Why was she approaching the villan at the party? Why was she worth killing, Are we really supposed to beleave Bond sent her to get info? Was an afternoon with the great 007 enough to make her think she was a secret agent too?

Violence. Yes, I know that Bond has a "license to kill" (or does he? The movie didn't say so), this film was more violent than I expected or wanted. Especially towards the end, with the women.

To sum it up, this was nothing more than action packed violence and explosions with the Bond label attached. If I had known that, I would have left after the preview and taken my wife to a nicer meal--we would have had the time.

Motel Review - Indianapolis, IN 46256, 46250

So Dad is coming into town this Friday & My Mother sent me a TXT asking me to check out the local Super 8
http://tinyurl.com/6jsuss .
Apparently it's 1/2 the price of everyone else in the area but on-line reviews show problems with cleanliness.
So I was asked to go and check it out.

I also suggested the Dollar Inn http://tinyurl.com/5ravmc which, last I checked, is cheaper and closer.

So earlier today, with my Palm Centro SmartPhone in hand, I went motel hunting.

I went to the Dollar Inn first, and the Super 8 next. The clerks were friendly at both places and had no problems with me checking out a room. They simply asked to hold onto a photo ID and gave me a key and a room number.

The DI uses actual keys while the S8 used a "credit card".
The downside to the card is that it becomes inactive EXACTLY at check-out. I was locked out of my room a few years back...

I asked both motels for non-smoking. And while they both asked how many beds, one, DI sent me to a 2 bed room, and S8 sent me to a 1 bed room.

S8 also tried to offer me a room with various "extras" like a mini-fridge. I declined.

I should be comparing the "bare bones" room of each facility.

And even though I was in the "no frills' rooms, the S8 just felt nicer. It may have been the lighting. It also may have been the decor. Either way, it just felt more expensive, but the room itself was smaller & as mentioned only had one bed.

Both rooms had the basics, bed, TV, desk, et cetera, but the coffee maker at the S8 stood out more. It's possible the DI didn't have one. As Dad doesn't drink coffee, I wasn't looking for one.

So, were they clean?

The beds were all made, and the bathrooms stocked, the S8 had their towls and soap folded into some fancy-oragamiasthing. I looked under the beds as well. Both of them were clean.

When I got back to the desk at DI, she wrote their prices on a slip of paper. The clerk 3 S8 used a computer.

The Bottom Line

The clerk at S8 estimated a Sa-Tu stay at $172.26. This is with the Senior Discount.
With the prices from DI, I estimate the same stay to be $116.05.

And in my opinion, the extra-fancy LOOK of the Super 8 Motel and the extra differance is not worth the extra price of the Dollar Inn.

I posted comments and pictures on both motels on Brightlite, the links are above, after the first mention of each motel.
My updates posted out of order and a couple pictures from S8 posted on DI, I shall fix this soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Significant Other Action Figures/Dolls

So I was listening to the radio last night, and the DJ was commenting on a recent promo video released by Taylor Swift promoting her new album.
He said she had a Joe Jonas (one of The Jonas Brothers, and her ex b/f) doll. She's reported to have said that the doll comes with a cell phone so it can break up with other dolls-ouch!

I guess that's what happens when you're 18.

But it got me thinking. It's always nice to have a picture of your significant other. In your wallet, on your desk, even your cell phone. The same goes for pictures of your children.

But how cool would it be to have an action figure/doll!?

If my wife was immortalized in 6" of plastic, she'd be on display for sure. It would be the ultimate "remember me". Instead of being just another guy with a picture, I'd have a figurine adorning my workspace. People would walk by and inquire on the "toy", and I'd casually say "Oh, that's my wife".

I had written quite a bit more on the reverse side--why it would be weird, but the text got a little weird, so I deleted it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kids don't listen, do they?

So I was listening to Radio Disney the other day and the DJ asked for caller #whatever to play "The Answer Is ALWAYS 'C'".
So they get that caller on the line, and tell them that they're playing "The Answer is ALWAYS 'C'".
The DJ then asks the caller (who is 14 or under based on station rules) a really random trivia question and gives them 3 choices A, B, or C.
The caller guesses A.

The DJ then goes on to the next caller who answers "B".
The DJ askes that caller "Are you sure you want to answer 'B' on "The Answer Is ALWAYS 'C'""?
The caller sticks with B.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thin Mints

Ever since my sister stopped being a Girl Scout, I've had the hardest time tracking down cookies.
I don't even know when Girl Scout Cookie "season" is.
I've been waiting for that knock on my door for years now. But guess what I found out last year--they don't go door-to-door anymore.

What?! Then how do I get my Thin Mints???

It turns out they sell them on Saturday mornings in front of grocery stores. But of course you have to know which mornings to be at which store.
I don't do my normal shopping during that time frame.
Thankfully last year my sister-in-law was able to get me a box. I was also able to get some Thin Mints ice cream-yum!
But that all happened at the very end of the season. I want to be able to buy several boxes.

Guess what I discovered a few days ago.


Yep. An entire site about our cookie friends complete with a ZIP code based cookie season locator-so you can know when your local troop is selling.

If only my internet connection would load the page...

New Child, New Blog

In order to help me remember the cute stories about my children, and to keep them together, I blog.
Now that my son is here and has a name, you can read about him at http://smkroney.blogspot.com
This blog should autoforward to his facebook account (where fb will call it a "note"). And twitterfeed will post the blog to his @smkr twitter account.
My wife tells me I should let him be a baby-I am, a baby with an on-line presence that he is totally unaware of.

(and for those unaware, my daughter's blog is http://iksroney.blogspot.com and she's @iksroney on twitter)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Have A Son!

Baby Boy Roney
(name coming soon)

10/25/08 7:27a EDT {HovpoH 708209.7}

8lbs 1oz (3662gms) {1.61 cheb}

21 1/4" (54.61cm) {1.57 'uj}

Mom & baby are doing well.
They'll probably be going home Monday afternoon.

To see my hospital updates, visit http://m.brightkite.com/places/ac91202e970211dd8de8003048c0801e/objects

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Accepting the Inevitable

Ever since I lost my status as an "only child", I have learned, the hard way, that things don't last. They break. Especially Legos and ceramics...

I shall spare you the details of all of the things I've made which have met a bitter end, suffice it to say, they're numerous.

I moved away from my siblings several years ago, but it seems my posesions are still in danger.

This afternoon, it was discovered that the ceramic otter I made in 1st Grade had been smashed.
It appears that wood boards had been piled on top of it-and things on the boards. The pressure was just too much.

Various explainations/excuses were given, but I'm 99% sure that I'm the one who not only put it there, but later piled objects atop it (including myself).

I've been in a somber mood since I saw the wreckage. I always thought that this one would last-it's a wall hanging-away from little hands.

I don't have much left, and sadly, it'll all end up demolished. I shall enjoy them all while I can.

May my otter rest in peace, and may I forgive my children when they find my things.

What Are You Talking About?

So I spend a fair amount of time listening to the radio while I work, and on occasion I've been known to listen to various radio shows. And of course there are DJs that I like better than others.
But they all have one thing in common: they all talk about "facts" and stereotypes on the differences between men and women--and they don't make sense.

Tonight I heard the DJ ask callers why women are always cold and men are always hot. What? My wife is the one who keeps turning on the fans. I'm the one always complaining about the cold. She makes *way* more body heat than I do. I mean just by looking at us you can tell that she's hotter ;-)

And last week he asked why women have better memories than men.
They do? First I've heard about it. While I'll admit my memory isn't as sharp as it could be, my wife's is definataly worse. She uses the phrase "mommy brain". She will readily admit to not being able to remember.

(The next topic has been censored-sorry)

Every now and then I'll catch a piece of dating advice from an "expert" or a caller will have a question, and I will have absolutly no clue what they're referring to.
For instance, the DJ was talking about something called the rubberband something or other, and how guys react and then how girls react. And after listening long enough, I realized that I had experienced the topic-at-hand IN REVERSE! A g/f had done it to me, but the conversation was about guys doing it to girls.

The world is a very strange place, I don't understand how people live out there.

Back to my rock...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

So I'm thinking about applying for a new job, well a promotion actually. I'm going to apply for the open CEO position.
Now instead of going about this the more "traditional" route, I'm going to do the following:

I'm going to, for the most part, stop doing my current job-but of course expect them to keep paying me. This will show my high work ethic.

Even though the company has a debt problem, I'm going to spend thousands of donated dollars to promote my image because this will show my wise use of funds.

Instead of taking the higher road, I will spread rumors (based in fact, but spun in a negative light) about anyone also applying for the job. This will show off my high moral standards.

Since I will be doing so much traveling and speaking to promote my image, I will not be getting much sleep, and will be prone to an abnormal number of slips of the tounge. No matter what I say, I will find a way out of it.
Anything I say is subject to retraction. This of course allows me to gauge public reaction without having to commit to anything. This way I can try to please the largest group possible.

I'm sure by now you have noticed that I'm not talking about myself, but Presidential candidates.
Are there any other industries where such practices are accepted?
I think not.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh, and by the way...

In order to give the best blog expierience to my readers, I have created two new blogs.

Blog posts about my daughter, will be on "her" blog at http://iksroney.blogspot.com
For some reason it was labled as SPAM, so I can't currently post to it. I have submitted it for review.

Second, all posts about my KKS translation project will be at http://klingonkamasutra.blogspot.com

That leaves this blog for my random ramblings and musings.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was going to post this to Ireland's own blog at http://iksroney.blogspot.com , but it's still under review as possible SPAM. I have no idea why the one post up there so far would catch the attention of a bot.

It may end up there after everything gets cleared up.

So several months ago, people began asking if Ireland had a "lazy eye". We hadn't noticed anything ourselves, but when we looked, we saw that one of her eyes was "drifting".
Her pediatrician recomended a specialist (who knows how to check little eyes who can't read letters off a chart).

Her appointment was today at 9:30.
We waited in the appropriatly named waiting room for a good hour, and then saw the Dr.
He used some animal toys and a prism to check her eyes. Then came those dreaded drops.
It takes 30 minutes to dialate a child's eye, so it was back to the waiting room.
As the drops took effect, she got more and more fussy.
Eventually they checked her again & wrote her a prescription for glasses.

Yes, my 23 month-old daughter has to wear glasses.

It turns out her eye was trying to focus, and that's why it's not "straight". The glasses will help her focus without straining her eyes.

They had an on-sight glasses shop (which sells *small* frames) & we picked out a cute pair. They should be ready in about a week.

So, we shall see how she adjusts to this change in lifestyle.
Sadly, when she got her papa's eyes, it wasn't just the color.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Funny, funny

So, as many of you know, I'm a courier. It just so happens that I curry pharmacuticals from a pharmacy to various nursing homes.
Anyway, I have a set route-I go to the same 6 stops each night.
Two nights ago, after my car was loaded up & I was ready to go-they told me they had one more thing for my second stop.
So a pharmacist lady came out with a bag & was about to give it to me when she decided to ask me when I'd be getting to Franklin.
"About 10"
This was apparently not acceprable because she not only didn't give me the bag-she *took* an entire tote off my hands!
Said they needed the meds there fast.
Fast? It's my *second* stop-the stat driver will beat me by what, 20 minutes?

So since I drop of 9 totes to stop 2, and they only took 1 of them off my hands, I wondered when the stat driver had shown up-he hadn't. And they *really* wanted the meds.
He arrived a good 45 minutes after me-turns out it was his second stop too!

Funny, funny.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So as I understand it, it's easier to invent & process audio than video.
This is why we had radio and *then* television. Why we had Compact Discs before we had Digital Video Discs.
Again, from my understanding, a DVD is a fancy CD burnt with a more finely tuned laser. Supposedly, if you burn a CD with a DVD burner, it'll be slightly better.

So I ask you: Where are the HD CDs? Or the Blu-CDs?
We have HDTV & HDradio. So apparently I want my media in high-definition.
Why is noone making high-def CDs to go with my HDradio?

Because the CD is dieing, that's why. With everyone buying .mp3s, there is less of a need to re-invent the wheel. If I like a song, I tag it with iTunes tagging on my HDradio, and my iPod tells iTunes to buy it-for $1.
People will gladly spend a dollar.
Who wants to buy a CD for 1 song? I've done it WAY too many times myself.
So you buy the songs you want-stick them on your iPod and take them with you-no bulky CD case.
And if you want, you can burn your own CD.

Yes, my friend, the CD is going to fade away-oh it'll be a while-less high-tech folks are still buying them, but don't expect them to last much longer.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

FREE* Kittehs

So around July of 2004 my wife of 3mo & I were checking the mail at our apartment complex. It was one of those group mail centers where everyone has a little box & a little key.
Anyway, up on the wall was a sign offering free kittens & an apartment number.
My wife wanted to go and look.
At this time in my life, I didn't realize that "look" has the meaning of "get, obtain, take home".
So we went to 'look' at the kittens.
My wife instantly fell in love with a little female tortise shell. We were informed that she was litter-box trained and even got a cat box w/ scoop, food/water dish and litter and food.
The whole walk back to our unit, she kept telling the cat that she loved her. Women aparently love very easily...
So now we have a cat, do you know what happens when you have a cat? You pay $300 to your apartment complex.
We then had to pay a Vet another good $300 to shoot her (I wish I could...) so that she was "legal" for the complex.
Oh, and apparently we got the broken one, so we had to get her fixed.
And of course all the cat food and litter...

Wife just estimated we spent a good $1000 on the "free" cat in the 1st year.
It's now been 4 years.

So back when my wife was trying to convince ne that she needed a cat, she did what the stereotypical TV kid does, and promised to take care of it, feed it, and clean up after it.

If only I followed the comparison out at the time, I'd've realized that the father-guy ends up doing a good part of that...

So it turns out that pregnant/nursing women can't clean a litter-box. It'll kill them or something.
I was not informed of this back when we got the cat.
My wife has been pregnant/nursing since February 14, 2006. It's now September 14, 2008.
That is a *LONG* time for one man to be cleaning up after someone else's cat.
(yes, she has helped a few times)

I'll spare you the stories about being attacked in my sleep, and simply say that the cat and I have learned to toleraye each other-to a degree.

What brings this up?
Last night, while I was making a drop, an LPN offered me a FREE* kitteh.
Needless to say, I turned it down. Firmly, absolutely, and twice.

No more.

FWIW, tI'qa' is 1/4 bobcat & has fangs and claws...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our New Home

For those of you who don't know, we (my wife, daughter, and myself-oh, and my wife's cat) moved to Indianapolis from Plano, TX (just outside of Dallas-home of Dr Pepper, Frito Lay, and EDS).
We spent about a month or so in my sister-in-law's basement until we moved into wife's parent's house.
Well, while we were still in Texas, I applied for a posotion with Sallie Mae-I even flew up for an interview.
Everything was going along well until we were here in Indy and the job wasn't.
And the other job in Kentucky didn't pan out either.
So we were "homeless" and unemployed.
I've gone through a good number of jobs over the past year, slowly earning more money. But not enough to afford rent...
Around November-Decemeber of last year, we applied for an apartment only to be turned down.
Since then we have paid off several credit cards and various other debtors.
It obviously worked, because on August 1st, we moved into a townhouse (I won't post the new address here-but drop me a line and I'll get it to you).
So after spending the past year+ with my in-laws, it feels good to be "free" and "independant".
It also feels really good to get our things out of storage and have them again (Oh, my books, my books!).
Anyway, like I said, it's a townhouse (townhome?). On the bottom floor we have the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Also the washer/dryer and a 1/2 bath. And the back sliding door goes to a fenced-in patio beyond which is a lake with ducks (Ireland <3's ducks).
On the 2nd floor, there are 2 bedrooms and 2 baths and a linen closet.
(So we've cut our household in half and trippled the number of toilets.)
At the moment, Ireland has her own room, but this will be changing next month when she becomes a big sister.
We're mostly moved in now, but we still have lots of things in storage.
It feels good to have room to stretch out, just the other day I was able to sit down at a desk and work on a translation project-it felt *so* good to be able to do that again.
And just this morning, I set up the PC.
I called Comcast to get a quote on internet, and it's $63/mo! Ha! Like that'll happen.
So for the time being, my ISP is Sprint through my Palm Centro with the occasional trip to the library.

While we would love to have even more space, it feels wonderful to have a place even this size.

And if you don't mind boxes, come over for a visit-we even have a pool.

Networking Socially

The other day, I was talking to my good friend Tym, and Twitter and other services came up.
That conversation prompted this post.

Back in the day, I signed up for MySpace. At the time, I was very impressed. It allowed me to reconnect with friends I'd lost contact with-very impressive indeed.
But the "profile pages" are a little too customizable, and more often than not, they become loaded full of high-content images and videos.
Later, I signed up for Facebook.
I'll admit that the only reason I signed up for fb was to "steal" pictures from her albums.
Later, I discovered different people on fb than were on ms. So for a while, I used both.
Eventually, I added text messages to my Sprint account, and added fb mobile to my life.
When we moved to Indiana, we didn't have much internet access at first, and when we did, it was usually dial-up.
Ms pages on dial-up don't work. But fb does.
Between the fb mobile, and the dial-up accesability, ms usage almost died.
With an unlimited texting plan, I can receive ALL of my friends status updates to my phone, update my status, send/recieve wall posts & messages.
I'm also notified about friend requests and mobile photo uploads (which I can see through my data plan).
Ms has since given me the ability to be *notified* when someone sends messages and such, but I must then go on-line to see what it was.
I really enjoyed being able to update my fb status whenever and whereever I wanted, especially when I started my courier job, and was all over the state.
During this time, I discovered Twitter.
While *I* was able to send/recive status updates, and know what my friends were up to, my friends weren't. In my opinion, I had some pretty clever updates that almost no one saw.
And why would they have any reason to hunt down my previous updates?
If only there was some way to post updates, and have my friends be able to see all of them.
Behold Twitter.
The intire service is about 140 character updates in answer to the question, "What are you doing?".
There's no fancy distractions, just updates.
And you can get them any way you want: via the web, through SMS (TXT) on your phone, IM, mobile web, or any number of 3rd party apps.
Finally a way for my friends and I to stay in better contact.
But no one has accepted my invitation to join :(
But I found a way to forward my tweets to my fb status to share with whoever is on-line, and people do see them, at times.
As mentioned, I became a courier. I travelled all over this small state.
I wanted a way to share my travels, let people know where I am.
Enter brightkite.
With bk, I can "check-in" almost anywhere I want.
All of my bk friends are notified when I check-in, post notes, and post photos.
When I check-in somewhere, I can use the mobile site to see previous posts by others.
If I check-in at a resteraunt and see a post about bad service, I might think twice about about going in.
Problem? No one accepted my invivtes to this one either.
However, I have it set-up to forward to twitter, which of course forwards to facebook.
I'm not aware of anyone (besides my wife) getting my fb updates on their phone.
I have made several tweeps (twitter peeps), but I only *know* my wife and her brother and sister.
I have hopes that I'll find a way to send/recive updates with my friends-but I don't think they're update kind of people.
Bit I still enjoy posting them nonetheless, to be read by whoever might be out there.

Want to follow?


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How's My Tweeting?

This post is mainly for my tweeps (the people that follow me on Twitter), but is also for my facebook friends because both my tweets (the updates I post to Twitter) and this blog are forwarded to Facebook.

I can be followed at:

According to Twitter, I'm being followed by 62 people.
I have reason to beleave that most of them are not spammers. If that's true, that's the most I've had.
And I would like to know your opinion.
How am I doing?
Do you like what I'm saying?
Why did you start following me?
Why are you *still* following me?

Some of you may have noticed a lack of Brightkite check-ins. Do you care?

Anything you would like to hear more/less about?

And any other comments or suggestions are welcome.
I really want to know what y'all think.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Klingon Kama Sutra

Back on January 25, 2008 (I think), I publicly stated my intentions (via the KLI e-mail discussion group) to translate the Kama Sutra into Klingon.
Also at that time I posted a very rough draft of the first chapter.
The problem was that I was borrowing *multiple* books from the library, and it became increasingly dificult to have ALL of them checked-out simutaniously for any effective amount of time.
Between that and my change in jobs, the project was put on hold.
Until now that is.
On August 1st, we (wife, daughter, and I) moved into our own place. For over a year, we've been living with her family. (Living with one's in-laws also inhibits anything involving the Kama Sutra...)

A week or two ago, I recived an anonymous TXT asking about the status of this project. Being anonymous in nature, I was not able to respond.
I also recently recived my copy of the Tao Te Ching (TTC), in Klingon. And between the TXT and the intro to the TTC, I have new-found motivation to complete the Klingon Kama Sutra (KKS).
While money is tight, I hope to purchase the required texts soon. And between the 'freedom' of having our own place, and my once-again new work schedule, I should be able to make significant progress.

That being said, it's my hope. No, it's my *goal* to see the KKS published.

(If anyone knows who sent the anonymous TXT, let me know)

This web log is being published via a mobile e-mail, any headers/footers are unintended and not part of the actual log.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Man Rules

~as forwarded from my Granny~

Finally , the guys' side of the story.

We always hear 'the rules' from the female side.
Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules!

Please note, They are numbered in the order of importance.

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports - It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it.
That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.
Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials..

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color.
Pumpkin is also a fruit.
We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing',
We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to,
Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as FOOTBALL or motor sports

1. You can have many clothes.

1. You can have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

2. Thank you for reading this.
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don't mind that?
It's like camping.
Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh.
Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them a bigger laugh

Monday, June 9, 2008

Are 'potty chairs' supposed to say "TRY ME!"?

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Question to Father's of Girls

Just the other day, I was out with my 19 month old daughter.
I figured we would go and get a bite to eat somewhere.
Then I realized that I had to use the restroom.

What do you do with your child (male or female) when nature calls?

I can't leave her in the car and run into a gas station.
I can't leave her in her highchair at the restaurant table.

Do I bring her in with me?
Am I really expected to set my daughter down on a public restroom floor and have her wait?
She'll end up getting into something while my back is turned to her, won't she?

Do I leave her in the middle of the room while I use a urinal?
Do I bring her into a stall with me?

What is the proper procedure for this situation?

I'm serious here. This is the first time it's come up, but I'm sure it won't be the last, and I'd really like to know what to do.

Please comment.

(Oh, and sorry about bringing up restrooms again, I normally don't talk about them *this* much...)

Are You My Klingon Mother?

This is the latest (final?) draft of my Klingon translation of "Are You My Mother?"
I used the boardbook version of the text, and the numbers corospond to the pages in that version.
Due to copyright rules, I have not included the English version.
For those of you unfamiliar with Klingon, the carrots "< >" are used in place of quotation marks " "" " to avoid confusion with the glottal stop " ' ". The astriks " * " marks a non-Klingon word.


(1)QImDajDaq ba' bo'Degh.
Sup QIm.

(2)jatlh bo'Degh:
<ghuvaD Soj vISuqnIS!>
vaj mej.

(3) QImDaqDaq Sup QIm.
'ej Sup
'ej Sup.
vaj pel'aQ vIghor ghu.

(4) jatlh:
<nuqDaq ghaH SoSwI''e'?>

(5)QImDaq mej.

(6)puvlaHbe' ghu.
'ach yItlaH.
<DaH SoSwI' vISam!>

(7)vIghro' tlhob ghu:
<SoSwI' SoH'a'?>
neH legh vIghro'.

(8) 'uSgheb tlhob ghu:
<SoSwI' SoH'a'?>
jang 'uSgheb:

(9)targh tlhob ghu:
<SoSwI' SoH'a'?>
jang targh:
<SoSlI' jIHbe'. targh jIH.>

(10)tangqa' tlhob ghu:
<SoSwI' SoH'a'?>
jang tangqa':
<SoSlI' jIHlaHbe'. tangqa' jIH.>

(11)mevmeH Qub.
SoSDaj chaHbe' vIghro' 'uSgheb je.

(12)SoSDaj chaHbe' targh tangqa' je.
jatlh ghu:
<SoS vIghaj.

(13)tIn Doch legh ghu.
jatlh ghu:
<SoSwI' SoHqu'bej!>

(14)jatlh tIn Doch:

(15)jach ghu:
<toH! SoSwI' SoHbe'.
*Snort SoH!>
ghu woH *Snort.

(18) vaj, qaS vay'.
SorDaq ghu tatlh *Snort.
juHDaq ghaH ghu!

(19) vaj chegh SoS.
jatlh ghu:
<SoH vISov.

(20)vIghro' 'uSgheb targh ghap SoHbe'.
tangqa' *Snort ghap SoHbe'.
bo'Degh SoH.
'ej SoSwI' SoH.>

DIvI' Hol © 1960 P. D. Eastman
tlhIngan Hol © 2008 naHQun

My Son

Don't freak out that you didn't know I have a son!
He hasn't been born yet.
He's due October 25th.

My wife has been wondering if she's pregnant for *a while* now, and so when the home test finally *did* show positive, it didn't have that big of an impact.

But on Tuesday, we went in for her first ultrasound, and I got to see the baby growing inside her.
And it was just *so* wonderful.
And then we were told that we were having a boy, and it was just oh so overwhelming.

I am just so excited now that we're having another baby, it's "real".

I've known that my wife is pregnant for a while, it's obvious. But nothing beats seeing your baby on that monitor.
Well, nothing until you can actually hold them in your arms, but that post will come in late October.

And while I'm talking about babies, I compiled the following list of friends/family and their due dates:

sister-in-law: 9/?
friend-in-law: 10/19
wife: 10/25
best friend's wife (well he's not pregnant!): 11/27
sister-in-law 12/?
sister 12/24


I realize it's an odd topic to start a blog with, but it's been on my mind.

So I realize that when one uses the facilities, that your hands become soiled, and therefore need to be cleansed. I'm not disputing this. What I have a problem with, is the way in which we do it.

I've been trained how to wash my hands by grocery stores and restaurants, and while they tell me to use very hot water and hand sanitizer, I still feel that there is room for improvement.

This is the way I see the typical restroom visit happening:

You have finished doing what you do, and are sitting on a toilet.
Your hands are officially dirty and must be cleaned before returning to work, it's the law.

You take your dirty hands, and you touch your pants, shirt, and underclothes all in an attempt to be dressed and modest before leaving the stall.

If tucking in your shirt, your hands go all over the place, tucking and pulling.
It's even possible that you toss your hair.
You then grab your coat or purse and leave the stall.

Wait a minute! You haven't even left the stall yet, and you've already contaminated your clothes and personal belongings! Even if you scrub your hands raw, once you touch your pants, you're dirty again!

Are you not? If touching your clothes right after using the restroom doesn't soil them, what does?
And if it doesn't, how does it soil anything else?

Just my thoughts...